57. clothes
famous restaurant - 吸血鬼餐廳
01030.memory park
387. 三個臭皮匠
03530. V-line ticket (fm Melbour
58. lunch
03525. first day in robinvale -
pacific fair
take ferry
389. my dumpling
01031. memory park
gold coast casino
01036. in Yuki's party, eating 大阪燒
60. write post card
03528. Robinvale station
take sealink
cove hobart
63. post card
03529. Robinvale station
411. take train to market
01037. Yuki's party
01039. 滷雞腿/貢丸
413. in the train
65. slip slop is broke
remarmable rock 4
03531. in Olive farm
03585. in grape farm -Cammy and
move to Melbourne
418. near the river
01085. 藥膳排骨湯